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Best YES Song?

Posted by: John on 3/7/2024 7:27 PM

What's their best work?

8 Replies
Added by Dobbs

I think Fragile was a really good album.
Added by bill miles

Probably a better question is what's their better album.

For me, Close to the Edge and Relayer are favs.
Added by John

Nice. Both awesome.
Added by Wildcard

Very few bands can go through a dozen lineup changes and still crank out great music. What a talent pool! Each iteration created timeless music. I can't pick a favorite. I know, I know, It's not the answer you where looking for. But if I was strapped to a table and tortured, I would yell "Drama!".
Added by bobbyn

i would "yell".... Generator... circa Manila, PI. 80-s
Added by Zoobie Doo

Roundabout - My introduction to progressive rock as a teen
Added by JD from Big D

I'll second the vote for Relayer as best album,. A record that I only discovered 10 years after its release.
Added by Michael

Yes, is a unique one for me. I love a wide range of their iterations. It always bugged me that the lyrics were nonsensical at times and then I read an interview with Jon Anderson where he admitted he just randomly made up the lyrics as they went.

That being said, the one album I can listen to front to back any day is Drama. Gotta love Chris Squire's base lines on that album.
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